Course correction“If you’re good at course correcting, being wrong may be less costly than you think, whereas being slow is going to be expensive for sure”…Mar 6, 2018Mar 6, 2018
CEOs and CTOs — ExceptionsIn general, engineers hate to implement exceptions to business processes.Nov 22, 2017Nov 22, 2017
Optimize long Rails rendering timeThere is an ideal level of optimization for every project. Optimize too soon, and you can spend precious time on soon-to-be-discarded…Sep 5, 2017Sep 5, 2017
Published inSmooz BlogDrop your free tierIf you’re boostrapping your SaaS, you should drop your free tier. By doing so, I was able to double the revenue growth rate of my Slack app…Jan 25, 20176Jan 25, 20176
Published inSmooz BlogHow to share Slack channels between multiple teamsTL;DR: Smooz allows you to create shared channels across Slack teams. It now allows up to 6 teams in the same shared channel! Also, get…Nov 17, 20161Nov 17, 20161
Published inSmooz BlogBetter Slack app UX with buttonsThe dirty little secret in the conversational apps / chatbots developer community is how incredibly difficult it is to have a decent UX…Jul 1, 20161Jul 1, 20161
Published inSmooz BlogFor better collaborations between agencies and clientsCollaborating across teams was not easyMay 19, 2016May 19, 2016
Published inChatbots MagazineConversational Interfaces — Beyond the HypeWhat makes a good conversational app?May 3, 201617May 3, 201617
Published inSmooz BlogSlack Apps: Best practices & Use CasesYesterday the first France Slack Meetup took place at TheFamily. The room was packed with more than 100 attendees. Interestingly, while all…Mar 11, 20161Mar 11, 20161
Published inChatbots MagazineWhat Makes a Good Slack App?Conversational interfaces are the new hot thing. However, it’s a new game, and we need to understand the rules if we want to succeed.Feb 24, 20162Feb 24, 20162
How to build a Slack appThe story of PleaseMeet, send opt-in intros from SlackJan 27, 2016Jan 27, 2016
Published inSmooz BlogWhy you should build a Slack app (and Messenger soon)Once upon a time, there was the Web, and you HAD TO build a SaaS app. It was great at first, then it became quite crowded.Jan 13, 20166Jan 13, 20166
Spend less time finding great articles with artificial intelligenceI am an avid reader. Offline, I read anything from books to newspapers to the MIT Tech Review. Online, I spend time on Medium, Quora…Nov 17, 20151Nov 17, 20151
Vers des API matérielles ?Les API (application programming interface — interface de programmation d’applications) sont des portes d’entrées ouvertes par des…Oct 19, 2015Oct 19, 2015
Pour une approche de rupture dans le transport aérienNicolas Colin a écrit un excellent article sur la lente agonie d’Air France. Il montre la limite des courses au premium ou au low-cost et…Oct 16, 20152Oct 16, 20152